the ritual rides 101

What to expect before your first ride.

  • We are given one spectacular body. We believe in celebrating & honoring all bodies in any season of life. We cannot wait to get to know you.

  • Our instructors choose intentional movements and language in each class and welcome you to make the best decision for you and your body. All ‘choreography’ is completely optional.

    In addition, we often incorporate breathwork into our classes to guide you back to you. The rides navigate all parts of being human — from the high energy yang to the mindful yin.

  • All riders must clip in to the bike to ensure the safest, experience.

    Delta-compatible cycling shoes are provided to you or you can bring your own SPD/Delta compatible shoes.

  • the ride

    Our primary ritual. A forty-five minute rhythm based class that begins and ends with a quiet moment of reflection.

  • elevate

    The ride but elevated — a sixty minute offering to expand your mental and physical bounds.

  • alchemy

    A sixty minute transformative ride focused on performance and interval training — connecting your indoor rituals with your outdoor goals.


Do you provide shoes to clip into the bikes?

We do! Safety is a top priority for us and clipping in is a critical component of that.

Just let us know your shoe size when you arrive and we’ll take care of the rest!

What makes Ritual different from any other cycling studio?

  1. A radically intentional ride

    We expect a certain hyper intimidating experience when we enter a cycling studio and Ritual exists to be the antithesis of that. We created a curated a warm, art-forward space as a welcome invitation to stop and stay a while. Our instructors choose language & movements that are sustainable for both the body and the mind. We are living in a new world of how we view, speak to, and move our bodies — it’s time that indoor cycling join in.

  2. An abundance mindset

    From our hyper-inclusive pricing model to how we treat our team, we lean into abundance first. The fitness industry has thrived on fear-based, scarcity tactics for too long and Ritual is focused on standing in our core values as our truth and leaning into generosity as a lifestyle.

Read more about why we exist here: the why